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Talk About Hobbies In Spanish

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Infographics of Talk About Hobbies In Spanish

Talking about hobbies in Spanish is a topic that needs to be mastered since it is a recurrent theme of conversation.  When introducing oneself, people tend to talk about their free time activities, hobbies or sports. It is a good way to start a small talk  and practice your spanish. When you run out of topics of conversation, play safe by talking about your hobbies since it is a neutral topic. 

Learning hobbie related vocabulary will help you increase your bank vocabulary to spice up any conversation and you´ll also  increase cultural awareness. People from Spanish speaking cultures enjoy different activities than English native speakers and spend their free time in a different way. 

Difference in Tiempo libre and Pasatiempo!
Before engaging in a conversation with a Spanish native speaker we need to know the difference among Tiempo libre and Pasatiempo. Both expressions are used to talk about activities we do when we are not at work or in the school/university. To start a conversation, you can simply ask 
1) ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? meaning What do you do in your free time? Or you can ask 
2) ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito? meaning What’s your favourite hobby? 
3) Another question you can ask is ¿Qué haces los fines de semana? which means What do you do on the weekends?

Top 10 Statements to talk about Hobbies in Spanish

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How to express liking of your favorite hobby

There are many ways to answer those questions using verbs of liking and disliking. You can simply use Me interesa… to say you are interested in an activity. Or you can also use Mi pasatiempo favorito es… to say your favourite hobby.   Another verb you can use to express liking is Me gusta… to say you like something. Or you can use Me encanta… to say you love that activity. If you hate a specific activity you can use I hate. So depending on the level of liking you can use Me interesa, Me gusta or Me encanta. 

  • ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo preferido?  =What's your favorite hobby?

  • Mi pasatiempo favorito es visitar el ancianato  =My favorite hobby is to visit the old people's home.

  • Uno de mis pasatiempos es pasear perros  =One of my hobbies is walking dogs

  • El pasatiempo del papá de Daniela es escribir  =Daniela's dad's hobby is writing

  • ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo preferido?  =What's your favorite hobby?

  • ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta hacer?  =What do you like to do the most?

  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?  =What are your hobbies?

  • A mi mamá le encanta ir a trotar a la montaña  =My mom loves to go jogging to the mountain.

  • Mi amigo hace stand up como pasatiempo y además gana algo de dinero  =My friend does stand up as a hobby and also earns some money

  • Desde muy pequeño el pasatiempo de mi primo era programar y ahora consiguió un trabajo haciéndolo  =Since I was a child my cousin's hobby was programming and now he got a job doing it.

  • Tengo un vecino cuyo pasatiempo es hacer tatuajes a las personas  = I have a neighbor whose hobby is tattooing people.

  • Me fascina el diseño gráfico, creo que puedo decir que es el pasatiempo que más me gusta  =I love graphic design, I think I can say that is the hobby I like most

  • No me gusta el pasatiempo de Sebastián, la meditación me parece muy aburrida  = I don't like Sebastian's hobby, meditation seems very boring to me.

  • A mi hermana menor le encantan los perros, está practicando para ser una entrenadora de perros  =My younger sister loves dogs, she is practicing to be a dog trainer.

  • Para divertirme me gusta dibujar caricaturas  =For fun I like to draw caricatures

  • Su tío parece un mago profesional. Seguro ha sido su pasatiempo desde hace bastante tiempo  =Your-His-Her uncle looks like a professional magician. Surely it's been his hobby for quite some time.

  • Él es una persona con bastantes conocimientos, su pasatiempo es leer libros  =He is a person with quite a lot of knowledge, his hobby is to read books

  • A las cinco en punto de la tarde todos los días pasa un señor paseando perros, no sé si lo hace como pasatiempo o como empleo  = At five o'clock in the afternoon every day a gentleman passes by walking dogs, I don't know if he does it as a hobby or as a job.

  • Mi hijo me pidió que lo inscribiera en artes marciales. Me dijo que era su nuevo pasatiempo favorite  =My son asked me to enroll him in martial arts. He told me it was his new favorite hobby.

  • Todos los días de la semana practico un pasatiempo diferente  =Every day of the week I practice a different hobby.

  • Mi primer pasatiempo fue hacer sudokus, el segundo fue el parkour y ahora mi tercero es aprender otros idiomas  =My first hobby was sudoku, the second was parkour and now my third is to learn other languages.

  • Tantos pasatiempos geniales que existen y su favorito es el origami, no lo entiendo  =So many great hobbies that exist and his favorite is origami, I do not understand.

  • La próxima semana tengo un torneo de tenis para el que he estado practicando durante meses  =Next week I have a tennis tournament for which I have been practicing for months.

  • Durante invierno me gusta practicar snowboarding =During winter I like to practice snowboarding

  • El próximo verano alquilaré una casa en la playa y perfeccionaré mi técnica de surf  =Next summer I will rent a house on the beach and perfect my surfing technique.

  • Los viernes cocino algo especial para la cena =On Fridays I cook something special for dinner

  • Los jueves en la tarde hago senderismo y en la noche veo películas en el cine =On Thursday afternoons I go trekking and at night I watch movies in the cinema

  • Los miércoles limpio la casa = On Wednesdays I clean the house

Talk About Sports Hobbies in Spanish!

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1When to use verb “Jugar”
When talking about sports you enjoy participating in, you simply use the verb jugar which means to play. You can say Me gusta jugar beisbol or Me gusta jugar fútbol to indicate you like playing baseball or football. In spanish, jugar fútbol means to play soccer. In the case of basketball, in Latin America people simply refer to this sport as básquest or básquetbol. When talking about team sports you need a ball, you simply use the verb jugar or play. 
2When to use verb “Hacer”
When you want to talk about sports that doesn’t include a ball to play with, you use the verb hacer or do. You simply say Me gusta hacer natación if you like swimming. You can also say Me encanta hacer ciclismo which literally means I love cycling. In these cases you need two verbs: a liking verb and to do. Natación and Ciclismo are considered nouns so you need the verb hacer to indica you practice that activity. 

  • Me encanta jugar béisbol =I love playing baseball

  • Odio jugar baloncesto =I hate playing basketball

  • Me gusta jugar fútbol =I like playing football

  • Me interesa jugar voleibol =I’m interested in playing volleyball

  • Me encanta hacer natación =I love swimming

  • Me gusta hacer ciclismo =I love cycling

  • Odio trotar =I hate jogging

  • Me interesa hacer boxeo =I’m interested in boxing

Referring to Outdoor Activities in Hobbies

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Rules of using Verbs in Spanish

1In the English language, you simply add -ing to a noun to turn it into a verb. This is not the case in the Spanish language. It requires a little bit of memorization of certain rules. When talking about outdoor activities such as acampar or camping, navegar or sailing, montar a caballo or riding a horse; in Spanish you don’t use any verb since these words are already verbs. You simply say Me encanta navegar or Odio montar a caballo. 
2In the case of excursionismo or hiking and salto de bungee or bungee jumping you need the verb hacer or to do since they are nouns. You simply say Me gusta hacer excursionismo to talk about this activity. If you like going fishing or sailing, you use the verb ir or to go. You simply say Me gusta ir de pesca or Me gusta ir a navegar. 

  • Pesca =Fishing

  • Acampar =Camping

  • Excursionismo =Hiking

  • Montar a caballo =Riding horses

  • Salto de bungee =Bungee jumping

  • Navegar =Sailing

Talking about Art and Music in Hobbies

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When talking about art and music related hobbies, it is quite similar to the English language. You simply use Me gusta la fotografía to say you like photography. Remember that in Spanish people use articles before a noun. 

If you are interested in singing or playing an instrument, you simply say Me gusta cantar o tocar un instrumento. These examples are pretty easy since you use the verb in infinitive after the liking verb. For example, you use Me encanta pintar to say you love painting or Me gusta escribir novelas to say you like writing novels. In spanish, verbs ending in -ar, -er, -ir are infinitive verbs.

  • Fotografía =Photography

  • Pintar =To paint

  • Dibujar =To draw

  • Escribir poesía, música, cuentos, novelas =To write poetry, music, stories, novels

  • Cantar =To Sing

  • Escuchar música =Listen to Music

  • Tocar un instrumento =Play an instrument

  • Bailar salsa, ballet, tango, reggaeton =To dance salsa, ballet, tango, reggaeton

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