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Plant And Animal Life In Spanish

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Infographics of Plant And Animal Life In Spanish

In European countries, Spain is famous for its huge biodiversity. The country has several endemic species confined to the island groups due to the rich geography of rivers, mountains, coastlines, deserts, basins, oceans, and the different climatic zones.

There are abundant divergent species of plants and animals in manifold climates and geography of Spain, it is also known as the “Home of Spain”. The animal in Spain varies significantly due to the diverse territory, mountains and, coast of the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

Spain has a thousand species of animal in the mainland and the island groups. It has a diverse group of native animals, including a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. This numerous collection of wildlife is perhaps allocated to Spain’s diverse ecosystems.

Due to its abundant geographical location, landscapes and climates, there are a lot of birds that can be found in Spain. They migrate every year from Europe to Africa. 

In this article, you will learn proper Spanish terms, grammar, and vocabulary for these common animals, and how to use them in a sentence. 

Important Factors to Learn about Animals in Spanish

UtterBug Background

The most important points to learn Spanish are by structuring your vocabulary and understanding basic topics like animals. It is well known that learning any particular words or a long list of vocabulary can’t be very efficient and productive. You can simply learn a single word animal in Spanish to develop your skills. Apart from learning these words one by one, group them by grammar, category, or whatever makes recognize you. Afterward, place them into sentences and learn how to use them in your day-to-day conversations. This is the way to learn easily. For example, Rather than just learning words a lion, a giraffe, an elephant, a dog, you could speak like this-
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

How to Speak Gender of Animals in Spanish

UtterBug Background

An animal word always needs grammar to explain. It does not survive in a vacuity. The Spanish Language is gender-specific. It allocates a masculine or feminine gender for every single noun. The gender is clear when you talk about a man or a woman. But In animal cases, genders are not been pronounced.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

The Two Regular Gender Forms of Animals

UtterBug Background

There are two forms in Spanish for several numbers of animals, one for the masculine and one for the feminine. These two forms are regular and observe the rules for building feminine nouns. To start learning the names of the animals in Spanish, you can start with the regular subgroup. This group comprises animals that have a masculine form ending in -o and a feminine form ending in -a. There are a lot of animals with regular names. The ideas of some animal's name given below will build your animal vocabulary.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals

UtterBug Background

If you do not know the gender of the animal, you could use the masculine word for a male animal and the feminine word for a female animal. The masculine form of a noun can be used as a revert, in gender-neutral term
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

The Two Irregular Gender forms of Animals

UtterBug Background

There are two forms with the second group of animals in Spanish called irregular groups in which both forms are different. Some animals have different words for the masculine and feminine forms. It is ideally difficult to know the appearance of these forms so you have to learn these pairs of animals like this
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

The One Form of Gender with Animals

UtterBug Background

There are animals in Spanish that have only one name for both genders. If you want to differentiate between a male and a female, the two important words you will have to learn are macho (male) and hembra (female). It is necessary to add macho and hembra in a sentence while learning or writing columns. You will have to learn each animal with its columns because this group of animals has the same word for both genders, words can be either masculine or feminine. There is a group of animals in Spanish that have one name for both males and females.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Characteristics of Animals in Spanish Sentences

UtterBug Background

We have learned a lot of different animal names. In this part, you can learn more about features and characteristics associated with animals than just their names. In this list of sentences, each word is paired with a translated sample sentence. Throughout these sentences, you will find the name of the new animals and some previous animals you have already learned their names.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Plants Life in Spanish

UtterBug Background

The climates and maritime in peninsular Spain are Mediterranean and continental. So that, the temperature of these parts differ accordingly and rainfall is inconstant, which tremendously affects the life of plants. Plants are unique features of nature to learn and grow Spanish vocabulary. In this article, you will be able to learn the Spanish name of the parts of the plant, the name of the parts of a flower, how do plants grow, and how do plants make their food and change colors.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Parts of a Plant in Spanish

UtterBug Background

Plants are beneficial to human and animal lives. We are surrounded by plants and trees in our environment. Have you ever noticed the parts of a plant? All parts of plants carry out different functions. They perform their respective functions together for the healthy life of the plant. You need to learn the different parts of a plant.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Parts and Types of Flowers in Spanish

UtterBug Background

Flowers are the reproductive part of a plant. They are a source of food for other living organisms. They are also a rich source of nectar. A Flower consists of Sepals, Petals, Stamens and Pistil, Stigma, Style, Ovary. Let us have a look at the different parts of a flower.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

Plant Vocabulary in Spanish

UtterBug Background

You can grow your vocabulary by naming specific flowers in Spanish. We have some names of flower words that you have to learn.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow

  • La serpiente Snake

  • El pato Duck

  • La gallina Chicken

  • La tortuga Turtle

  • La rana Frog

  • La mosca Fly

  • Las jirafas tienen un cuello largo. Giraffes have a long neck.

  • Los elefantes tienen una gran trompa. Elephants have a big trunk.

  • Los perros ladran muy fuerte. Dogs bark very loud.

  • (But it can be used to refer to any giraffe, either male or female) Jirafa (Giraffe) is feminine in Spanish.

  • But it can be used to refer to any Rhinoceroses either male or female. Rinoceronte (Rhinoceroses) is masculine in Spanish.

  • camello / camella male / female camel

  • conejo / coneja  male / female rabbit

  • elefante / elefanta male / female elephant

  • gato / gata  male / female cat

  • perro / perra male / female dog

  • ¡Qué hermoso pato! What a beautiful duck!

  • Ella es una hembra de pato. Su nombre es Duckley. She is a female duck. Her name is Duckley.

  • ¿Eso es una gallina o un gallo? Is that a hen or a cock?

  • No estoy claro, pero espero que sea una gallina. I’m not clear, but I expect it’s a hen.

  • chivo / cabra goat / nanny

  • gallo / gallina cock / hen

  • león / leona lion / lioness

  • tigre / tigresa tiger / tigress

  • toro / vaca bull / cow

  • ballena whale

  • cebra zebra

  • rana frog

  • canguro kangaroo

  • cocodrilo crocodile

  • cuernos horns (A bull has two horns.)

  • orejas ears (The elephant has two big ears. )

  • plumas feathers (Birds have feathers.)

  • colmillos fangs (Snakes use their fangs to inject venom.)

  • pico beak (Birds have a beak. )

  • dientes teeth (Shark teeth are replaced after eight days.)

  • alas wings (The birds have wings to fly.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • escama scale (The snake’s skin is covered in scales.)

  • brazos arms (Kangaroos’ arms are very short.)

  • antenas antennae (Antennae are the main organ in ants.)

  • garras claws (Lion claws are compatible.)

  • rayas stripes (Zebra stripes can’t be concealed.)

  • cuello neck (The giraffe has the longest neck among all animals.)

  • cola tail (Dogs show emotions by moving their tails.)

  • trompa trunk (Elephants fill their trunks with water to pour in their mouth.)

  • tallo stem

  • flor flower

  • hoja leaf

  • tallo stem

  • raíz root

  • lsemilla  seed

  • Pétalos: esta es una parte de colores brillantes que atrae abejas, insectos y pájaros. 1.Petals: This is a bright-colored part that attracts bees, insects, and birds.

  • 2. Sépalos: El sépalo es la parte de color verde detrás de los pétalos para proteger los cogollos. 2.Sepals: Sepal is the green-colored part behind the petals to protect buds.

  • Estambre: esta es la parte reproductiva masculina. 3.Stamen: This is the male reproductive part.

  • 4.Pistilo: esta es la parte más interna de una flor. 4.Pistil: This is the innermost part of a flower.

  • 6. Estigma: Es la parte superior de una flor. 6.Stigma: It is the topmost part of a flower.

  • 7.Estilo: conecta el estigma y el ovario. 7.Style: It connects stigma and the ovary.

  • 8.Ovario: Es la parte de la planta donde se produce la formación de semillas. 8.Ovary: It is the part of the plant where the seed formation takes place.

  • 1.rosa rose

  • 2.girasol sunflower

  • 3.narciso daffodil

  • 4.margarita daisy

  • 5.azucena lily

  • 1.Crecer to grow (The plants make their food under the sun.)

  • 2.florecer to blossom (The petals of the roses blossoms.)

  • 3.Florecert flourish (Weeds flourished in my garden.)

  • 4.cavar to dig (Dig the hole in the field. )

  • 5.regar to water (Water your plants daily.)

  • 6.plantar to plant (I planted roses in my garden.)

  • 7.germinar to sprout ( The seeds sprout from the earth.)

  • 1.brillante bright (The red iris has bright petals.)

  • 2.espléndido glorious (The pond with water lilies is glorious.)

  • 3.resistente hard (The dandelion weed is very hard to remove.)

  • 4.exuberante lush (The garden has many lush trees and plants.)

  • 5.frondoso leafy (The hydrangea is a leafy flower.)

How to Grow Plants in Spanish

UtterBug Background

The plants grow like a seed with roots connected in the soil. Even plants are trees also, which can provide shades during summer. The plants need proper amounts of water and minerals, to grow their roots. The stem of the plant will come out from the seed in the form of leaves. These green leaves will provide flowers and fruits. You need verbs have to make nouns into flowers. The nouns without verbs are like planting seeds without water. Here are some useful words that help your vocabulary strong.
  • Los leones corren muy rápido. Lions run very fast.

  • El perro Dog

  • El gato Cat

  • El pez Fish

  • El Conejo Rabbit

  • La cabra Goat

  • El caballo Horse

  • La oveja Sheep

  • La Vaca Cow