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Spanish Clothing Vocabulary

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Infographics of Spanish Clothing Vocabulary

Wherever you are in the world, clothing is a need for everyone. It is a great experience to shop in Spanish-speaking countries.

If you are in a big city, you will notice a lot of stores arranged in sections to help get your shopping experience comfortable. In a state, these types of places are might be single and have a set price on commodities.

Other shopping venues are plazas and markets. In the town’s plaza, many towns and smaller cities allow vendors to set up their goods. 

There is a system of bargaining usually in smaller villages and some of the family-operated boutiques.

There are also the facilities of alterations on the spot by the tailor in many places.

You must have to be aware of the schedule of the shop’s operation. Many shops close at midday and reopen again after a little rest. So, know the times and shop accordingly.

You should be curious about the items you are buying, that would be unique to the country where you are visiting. So, talk with the locals they know the best shopping places.

Look through the shops to select the perfect piece of clothing for your wardrobe. If you can’t find what you want, ask for help from the locals. 

If you are going to shop in an area, the most basic and useful lists of vocabulary to learn in Spanish is on clothing, whether your size is small, medium, or large, we will help you to pick what you need to put your fashion updated.

Spanish Clothes Vocabulary for Men and Women

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  • La Camisa =Shirt

  • Los Pantalones =Pants

  • El Traje =Suit

  • La Corbata =Tie

  • Los Zapatos =Shoes

  • La Blusa =Blouse

  • La Falda =Skirt

  • El Vestido =Dress

  • El Abrigo =Coat

  • El Traje de bano =Swimsuit

  • La Chaqueta =Jacket

  • El Sueter =Sweater

  • El Pijama =Pajamas

  • La Bufanda =Scarf

  • Las Sandalias =Sandals

Names for Clothing in Spanish

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In some regions there are particular names for some variety of clothing in Spain. Everywhere Spanish is spoken; these words should be understood nearly. Clothing refers to “la ropa” in general or a product of clothing.
The general types of clothing include sportswear, informal or casual wear, formal wear, business formal wear, and business casual wear.
You need to learn some of the most common names for the product of clothing.

  • Bata de baño =Bathrobe

  • Gorra =Cap

  • Abrigo =Coat

  • Vestido =Dress

  • Guante =Glove

  • Vestido =Gown

  • Chaqueta =Jacket

  • Pantalones =Jeans

Spanish Clothes Vocabulary for Women

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Clothing presents as a dynamic way to express and communicate your identity throughout the globe. A variety of preferences have motivated women concerning their choices in clothing. There are some clear reasons why a woman puts on the attire she chooses in the morning, for protecting and warming her. Due to today's clothing selections and fashion concerning women, you need to learn about women’s clothing vocabulary in Spanish.
  • La falda =Skirt

  • El suéter =Sweater

  • La blusa =Blouse

  • La camiseta =T-shirt

  • El sostén =Bra

  • Las bragas =Panties

  • Las medias =Stockings

  • Zapatos de tacón alto =High-heeled shoes

Spanish Clothes Vocabulary for Men

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Men's clothing is commonly organized around pants and shirts but based on the occasion; they can be categorized into formal wear, business wear, casual wear and athletic or sportswear they are worn on. Let's look at the classification for the convenience of understanding the styles that fit your closet. You need to learn about men’s clothing vocabulary in Spanish.
  • La camisa de vestir =Dress shirt

  • El traje =Suit

  • La corbata =Necktie

  • La chaqueta =Jacket

  • El pantalones vaqueros =Jeans

  • Calzoncillos de hombre =Boxer shorts

Name of Spanish Clothing Vocabulary in General

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Some items of garments are common for both genders so there’s no need to differentiate between men's or women’s clothing.
You need to memorize these words to find exactly what you want, whether you’re looking to find something in a street market or any department store. 

  • Los zapatos =Shoes

  • El cinturón =Belt

  • El sombrero =Hat

  • Las botas =Boots

  • Las sandalias =Sandals

  • Los calcetines =Socks

  • Los anteojos =Eyeglasses

  • Las gafas de sol =Sunglasses

Vocabulary for Gender Nouns in Spanish

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Nouns are words that specify people, places, or things like any item of clothing. The Spanish nouns are always matched with gender-specific products. A suitable product is matched with the nouns that follow. You have to change the noun from singular to plural if you need to ask for multiples of an item in place of one. Now, you need to learn these words while using them.

Article “the” can be used with all Spanish forms-
  • la =feminine singular

  • las =feminine plural

  • el =masculine singular

  • los =masculine plural

How to Ask in Spanish for Clothing Items while Shopping

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There are a variety of colorful garments to shop for in many Spanish-speaking countries. You will surely fall in love with those textiles. These shopping experiences will boost your energy if you will be comfortable with speaking in Spanish. If you’re looking for something in particular, choose from the list below and ask for that particular item.
If you’re confusing how to start the shopping binge to get the perfect fit, remember these important words.
  • Necesito ropa de diferentes colores. =I need different colored clothes.

  • ¿Tiene un tamaño más pequeño de este producto? =Do you have a smaller size of this product?

  • ¿Tienes una talla más grande de este vestido? =Do you have a bigger size of this dress?

  • ¿Tienes ropa para niños? =Do you have children’s clothing?

  • Llevo una talla grande. =I wear a large size.

  • Esto es de tamaño pequeño. =This is in small size.

  • Este tamaño es mediano. =This size is medium.

  • Necesito una talla grande de jeans. =I need a large size of jeans.

Verbs Related to Clothes in Spanish

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This section assigns verbs and phrasal verbs connected with buildings with different meanings. There are some rules where the verb is commonly used in everyday conversation in Spanish. You need to examine those verbs while speaking sentences.
  • El verbo más utilizado es Llevar para referirse a llevar ropa. =Most often used verb is Llevar while referring to wearing clothing.

  • Por lo general, puede usar ponerse para referirse a ponerse la ropa. =You can usually use ponerse to refer to putting on clothing.

  • Cambiarse es el verbo de elección para cambiarse de ropa, incluida la ropa. =Cambiarse is the verb of choice for changing articles including clothing.

  • Sacar y quitar se utilizan cuando se hace referencia a la remoción de ropa. =Sacar and quitar are used when referring to the removal of clothes.

  • No hay problema si se quita los zapatos antes de entrar a la Iglesia. =There's no problem if you take off your shoes before entering Church.

  • ¿Sigues alguna rutina, cuando te cambias de ropa? =Do you follow some routine, when you change clothes?

  • Es muy difícil planchar una camisa sin arrugas. =It is very hard to iron a shirt without creases.

  • El verbo habitual para lavar y limpiar la ropa es lavar. =The usual verb for laundering and cleaning clothes is lavar.

  •  =

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