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Making Adjectives Agree in Spanish

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Infographics of Making Adjectives Agree in Spanish

Agreement of adjectives in the singular (From Masculine to Feminine)

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1What is the meaning of Agreement of Adjectives?
The form of the adjective shown is generally the masculine (Ex Brother) and singular form. This required change to Feminine (Ex. Sister) form to make it agree with person or thing the noun/pronoun is referring to. Refer to detailed lesson about Using Nouns or Gender of Nouns in Spanish here.
2Examples:- Masculine changing to Feminine for singular adjectives ending in –o by changing to –a.
Pequeño (Brother) Changes to Pequeña (Sister). 
Note:- Change of O to A from Masculine i.e Brother to Feminine i.e Sister.

  • mi hermani pequeno =My Little Brother

  • mi hermana pequena =My Little Sister

Exceptions to Masculine Singular Adjectives

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Please note below Exceptions to the Rule of Change from Masculine to Feminine

Rule1Masculine singular adjectives ending in any vowel other than –o (including  a,e, i or u) do not change for feminine singular.
Rule2Masculine singular adjectives ending in a consonant generally do not change for feminine singular

Its important to refer to correct for of gender especially in writing letters or creating your resume in Spanish

  • el blusa verde =The Green Dress

  • la blusa verde =The Green Blouse

  • un pantalon caqui =Some Khaki Trousers

  • una camisa caqui =A Khaki Shirt

  • un medico iraqui =An Iraqi Doctor

  • una familia iraqui =An Iraqi Family

Exceptions: Masculine Adjectives Ending in Consonant

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Meaning of Consonant: A Consonant means any letter other than a vowel.

Adjectives ending in a consonant do NOT change for the feminine except in the following cases:

Adjectives of nationality or place ending in a consonant add - for the feminine. If there is an accent on the final vowel in the masculine, they lose this in the feminine.
The French Teamel equipo frances
French Cookingla cocina francesa
Spanish Wineel vino espanol
The Spanish Languagela lengua espanola
  • Note that these adjectives do not start with a capital letter in Spanish

  • un periodico ingles =An English Newspaper

  • una revista inglesa =An English Magazine

Masculine Singular Adjectives Ending in "or"

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Adjectives ending in -or in the masculine usually change to -ora for the feminine.

Note that a few adjectives ending in -or used in comparisons - such as Mejor (meaning better, best), Peor (meaning worse, worst), Mayor (meaning older, bigger), Superior (meaning upper, top), inferior (meaning lower, inferior) as well as Exterior (meaning outside, foreign) and Posterior (meaning rear) do not change in the feminine.

  • un nino encantador =A Charming Little Boy

  • una nina encantadora =A Charming Little Girl

Masculine Singular Adjectives Ending in "an"

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Adjectives ending in -an, -on and -in in the masculine change to -ana, -ona and -ina (without an accent) in the feminine.

A Mocking Gestureun gesto burlon
A Mocking Smileun sonrisa burlona
A Chatty Manun hombre parlanchin
A Chatty Womanuna mujer parlanchina

Adjectives ending in a consonant but which do not fall into the above categories do NOT change in the feminine.

  • un chico joven =A Young Boy

  • una chica joven =A Young Girl

  • un final feliz =A Happy Ending

  • una infancia feliz =A Happy Childhood

Forming Plural Adjectives

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Adjectives ending in a consonant in the masculine of feminine singular add -es in the plural. If there is an accent on the FINAL syllable in the singular, they lose it in the plural.

A very chatty boyun chico muy hablador
Some very chatty boysunos chicos muy habladores
A French Painterun pintor frances
Some French Paintersunos pintores frenceses
An Easy Examun examen facil
Some Easy Examsunos examenes faciles
The Current Trendla tendencia actual
The Current Trenslas tendencias actuales


  • -Z at the end of a singular adjective changes to -ces  in the plural.
A Happy Dayun dia feliz
Happy Daysunos dias felices
Tip: When an adjective describes a mixture of both masculine and feminine nouns, use the masculine plural form of the adjective.
Bread and Fruit are cheapEl pan y la fruta son baratos

  • el ultimo tren =The Last Train

  • los ultimos trenes =The Last Trains

  • una casa vieja =an Old House

  • unas casas viejas =Some old House

  • una chica muy habladora =A very Chatty Girl

  • unas chicas muy habladoras =Some very Chatty Girls

  • una pintora francesa =A French (woman) Painter

  • unas pintoras francesas =Some French (woman) Painters

  • una mesa verde =A Green Table

  • unas mesas verdes =Some Green Tables

Extra Grammar Tips!

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Adjectives ending in an accented vowel in the singular add -es in the plural.

  • un medico irani =An Iranian Doctor

  • unos medicos iranjes =Some Iranian Doctors

Invariable Adjectives

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A small number of adjectives do not change in the feminine or plural. They are called invariable because their form NEVER changes, no matter what they are describing. These adjectives are often made up of more than one word - for example azul marino (meaning navy blue) - or come from the names if things - for example naranja (meaning orange).

  • las chaquetas azul marino =Navy-Blue Jackets

  • los vestiidos naranja =Orange Dresses

Short form for Adjectives

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The Following adjectives drop the final - before a masculine singular noun.

buenobuenun buen libroA Good Book
malomalmal tiempoBad Weather
algunoalgunalgun libroSome Book
ningunoningunningun hombreNo Man
unounun diaOne Day
primeroprimerel primer hijoThe First Child
tercerotercerel tercer hijoThe Third Child
Note that the adjectives alguno and ninguno add accents when they are shortened to become algun and ningun.

ciento (meaning a hundred) changes to cien before all plural nouns as well as before mil (meaning thousand) and millones (meaning millions).

A Hundred Yearscien anos
A Hundred Millioncien millones
A Hundred Thousand Euroscien mil euros

Note that you use the form ciento before other numbers.

One Hundred and Threeciento tres


Grande (meaning big great) is shortened to Green before a singular noun.

  • un gran actor =A Great Actor

  • una gran sorpresa =A Big Surprise

Extra Grammar Tips!

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  • Most Spanish adjectives change their form according to whether the person or thing they are describing is masculine of feminine, singular or plural.
  • In Spanish, adjectives usually go after the noun they describe.
  • Don't forget to make adjectives agrees with the person or thing they describe - they change for the feminine and plural forms.
    un chico espanol
    una chica espanola
    unos chicos espanoles
    unas chicas espanolas
  • Some adjectives never change their form.
  • Some adjectives drop the final -o before a masculine singular noun.
  • grande and ciento also change before certain nouns.



cualquiera drops the final a before any noun.

  • cualquier dia =Any Day

  • a cualquier hora =Any Time

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