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Personal Pronouns Direct Object in Spanish

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Infographics of spanish personal pronouns direct object

spanish personal pronouns direct object

Using Direct Object Pronouns

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What is a direct object pronoun?

A direct object pronoun is a word such as me, him, us and them, which is used instead of the noun to stand in for the person of thing most directly affected by the action expressed by the verb.

  • Direct object pronouns stand in for nouns when it is clear who or what is being talked about, and save having to repeat the noun.

I've lost my glasses. Have you seen them?

Have you met Jo? – “Yes, I Really like her!”

  • Here are the Spanish direct object pronouns:
teyou (relating to tu)osyou (relating to vosotros/vosotras)


it (masculine)

you (relating to usted - masculine)

losthem (masculine) you (relating to ustedes - masculine)
laher it (feminine) you (relating to usted - feminine)lasthem (feminine) you (relating to ustedes - (feminine)

Note that you cannot use the Spanish direct object pronouns on their own without a verb or after a preposition such as a or de.

  • Te quiero =I Love You

  • No lis toques. =Don't touch them.

Word order with direct object pronouns

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  • Note that you will often need to add a written accent to preserve the spoken stress when adding pronouns to the end of verbs.

In orders and instructions telling someone NOT TO DO something. The pronoun does NOT join onto the end of the verb.

Don't touch them.No los toques.


If the pronoun is the object of an infinitive (the to form of the verb) or a gerund (the-ing form of the verb), you always add the pronoun to the end of the verb to form one word, unless the infinitive or gerund follows another verb. Again, you may have to add written accent to preserve the stress.

He left after fixing it.Se fue despues de arreglarlo
You'll learn by practising it.Practicandolo, aprenderas.

Where an infinitive or gerund follows another verb, you can put the pronoun either at the end of the infinitive of gerund, or before the other verb.

They are coming to see us.Vienen a vernos or Nos vienen a ver
He's eating it.Esta comiendolo or Lo esta comiendo

  • Las ve usted? =Can you see them?

  • No me ois? =Can't you hear me?

  • Tu hija no nos conoce. =Your daughter doesn't know us

  • Lo has visto? =Have you seen it?

Related Lessons in Advanced Course, to further your understanding.

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