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Spanish Indefinite Adjectives

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Infographics of Spanish Indefinite Adjectives

What are Indefinite Adjectives?

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Indefinite Adjectives Definition

An indefinite adjective is one of a small group of adjectives used to talk about people or things in a general way without saying exactly who or what they are, for example, several, all, every.

In English, indefinite adjectives do not change, but in Spanish most indefinite adjectives change for the feminine and plural forms.


pocos amigosFew Friends


  • algun dia Some Day

  • el mismo dia The Same Day

  • las mismas peliculas The Same Films

  • mucha gente A lot of people

  • otro coche Another car

  • otra manzana Another Apple

  • Me das otra manzana? Will you give me another apple?

  • Hay pan en la mesa. There's some bread on the table.

  • Quieres cafe? Would you like some coffee?

  • pocos amigos Have you got another jumper?

Indefnite Adjective Examples

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Singular masculineFemininePlural MasculineFeminineMeaning
Algunalgunaalgunosalgunassome; any
cadacada  each; every
muchomuchamuchosmuchasa lot of
otrootraotrosotrasanother; other
pocopocapocospocaslittle; few
tanto tantatantostantasso much; so many
todo todatodas variostodas variasall; every several
  • algun dia Some Day

  • el mismo dia The Same Day

  • las mismas peliculas The Same Films

  • mucha gente A lot of people

  • otro coche Another car

  • otra manzana Another Apple

  • Me das otra manzana? Will you give me another apple?

  • Hay pan en la mesa. There's some bread on the table.

  • Quieres cafe? Would you like some coffee?

  • pocos amigos Have you got another jumper?

Key Points of Indefnite Adjectives

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  • Like other adjectives, Spanish indefinite adjectives ( such as otro and todo) must agree with what they describe.
  • They go before the noun to which they relate.
Some and any are usually not translated before nouns that you can't count like bread, butter, water.
Is there any milk?Hay leche?
There isn't any butter.No hay mantequilla.
  • algun dia Some Day

  • el mismo dia The Same Day

  • las mismas peliculas The Same Films

  • mucha gente A lot of people

  • otro coche Another car

  • otra manzana Another Apple

  • Me das otra manzana? Will you give me another apple?

  • Hay pan en la mesa. There's some bread on the table.

  • Quieres cafe? Would you like some coffee?

  • pocos amigos Have you got another jumper?

Where to use Spanish Indefinite Adjectives

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  • todo/toda/todos/todas (meaning all or every) can be followed by:
a definite article (el, la, los, las)
They've been studying all night.Han estudiado durante toda la noche.
They come every day.Vienen todas los dias.
A demonstrative adjective (este, ese, aquel and so on)
It has rained all this weekHa llovido toda esta semana.
A possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su and so on)
I'll sort out all my books.Pondre en orden todoas mis libros.
A Place Name.
The whole of Madrid knows it.lo sabe todo Madrid.
As in English, Spanish indefinite adjectives come BEFORE the noun they describe.
The same filmslas mismas peliculas
  • algun dia Some Day

  • el mismo dia The Same Day

  • las mismas peliculas The Same Films

  • mucha gente A lot of people

  • otro coche Another car

  • otra manzana Another Apple

  • Me das otra manzana? Will you give me another apple?

  • Hay pan en la mesa. There's some bread on the table.

  • Quieres cafe? Would you like some coffee?

  • pocos amigos Have you got another jumper?

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