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Spanish Verb Gustar

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Infographics of Spanish Verb Gustar

Verbs like Gustar are broadly difficult to get directly in Spanish, particularly when you're simply beginning. In any case, with a little bit of explaining and a lot of practice, you'll be an expert at using these verbs in no time.

One of the most known verbs in this class of verb like gustar is clearly gustar itself, which is usually translated as to like, its means to be satisfying to.

Spanish Verbs like Gustar

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Regardless of its ice cream, or movies, or spending time with friends, there are countless things that we like throughout everyday life. Accordingly, it's essential to have the option to discuss them in Spanish. This article will direct you through the special grammatical construction when using the verb "gustar" just as different verbs that follow the same formula!
  • La pelicula me agrada. =I like the film.

  • no me gustan los dulces. =I don't like sweets.

How to use Verbs like Gustar in Spanish

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Early on when you are studying Spanish, you most likely learned the expression "me gusta". Me gusta this, me gusta that. While you are fairly right that it means "I like this, I like that", it would be more right to say "This is satisfying to me, that is satisfying to me". That is the reason the verb conjugates differently than say "comer". 

Let’s take a look and dissect the verb Gustar (to like) and many others that are similar to it.
In English the verb “like” is used as given below:

As should be obvious, the verb is formed according to the noun not the person. In the main sentence, there is "gusta" because the noun is "la clase" accordingly is singular. The second sentence contains "gustan" because the noun is "las Flores" and is plural. The type of gustar and the noun need to agree with one another.

Furthermore, "Gustar" is gone before by an indirect object pronoun (me/te and so on) This demonstrates that the person is playing out the action (of liking).
Sentences with verbs like gustar may include the preposition a, in addition to a pronoun or noun that coordinates the indirect object. This is generally included to draw attention to notice or make express whatever is doing the liking.
  • Me gusta la clase de español. =I like Spanish class.

  • Te gustan las flores =You like flowers.

  • Me agrada su visita =I am pleased by your visit.

  • Me agrada su visita a mí =I am pleased by your visit.

Forming Verbs like Gustar

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Verbs like gustar all use indirect object pronouns.
  • 1) Te gustan los monos =You like monkeys

  • 2) Nos gusta la película =We like the movie

  • 3) Parece que va a llover =It looks like it may rain.

  • 4) Parecía haber visto un fantasma =She looked like she saw a ghost.

  • 5) Parecía que iba a llorar =She looked like she was going to cry.

Negating the Verb Gustar

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Negating the verb  gustar and saying that you don't care for something is straight forward. You just need to add the negative particle prior the indirect object. If there is a prepositional statement with 'a' then 'no' will come after it.
  • 1. No me gusta su nueva cocina =I don’t like his new kitchen

  • 2. A la gata no le gustan las sirenas =The cat doesn’t like the sirens.

  • 3. No le gustan las malas noticias =He doesn’t like bad news.

  • 4. No le gusta el invierno =She doesn’t like winter.

  • 5. A mi gato no le gustan los perros =My cat doesn’t like dogs.

More Verbs like Gustar

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Gustar isn't the single verb in Spanish that that looks "backward" to English. Fortunately they all work essentially a similar way. When you have an idea about gustar and see how it's used you shouldn't have a lot of issue using similar verbs. 
Below is the list of the most widely used verb with sentence examples of each one.
  • aburri =to bore (to be boring)

  • A los estudiantes, les aburre la maestra =The teacher is boring to the students.

  • caer bien/mal =to like/not like (personality, character)

  • Me cae mal tu amigo. =I don’t like your friend. (his character/personality)

  • dar + miedo/pena/rabia/asco/risa/vergüenza =to be scary, shameful, angry, gross, funny, embarrassing

  • Al niño, le da miedo la película =The movie is scary to the boy.

  • doler =to hurt

  • A la señora, le duele la rodilla =The woman’s knee hurts.

Final Words

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If you haven't just begun incorporating your list of defiant verbs, this is an ideal time to do as such! Always remember that gustar is the broadly used and confused verb of all so focus on mastering it early.

From that point, the rest is the thing that the Spanish would call pan comido—a piece of cake!
  • encantar =to love (something)

  • Me encanta tu camiseta. =I love your shirt.

  • to anger =enojar

  • Le enojan las mentiras. =Lies make her angry.

  • faltar =to be missing

  • Le falta azucar. =It’s missing/it needs more sugar

  • fascinar =to fascinate

  • Nos fascina el ballet folklórico. =The Folkloric Ballet fascinates us.

  • hacer feliz/triste =to make happy/sad

  • A mi abuelo, le hace feliz bailar. =Dancing makes my Grandpa happy.

  • importar =to be important

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