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Pronouncing C and S in Spanish

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Infographics of Pronouncing C and S in Spanish

Phonetics C and S in Spanish

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The C and S Relationship

C and S are phonetics that has the same diction in most languages, and Spanish is no exception. Learners have a hard time mastering the pronunciation of these two sounds. As a general rule, C becomes S sound if the next letter is E or I, but when followed by other vowels, you have to pronounce it with K sound.


In Spanish, the letter “c” sounds like “s” when followed by “i” or “e.” English speakers make the mistake of stressing it hard. English speakers take the “c” seriously, which is different from Spanish. When pronouncing this sound, the air leaves your mouth.     For example, try the word “cow,” and you will feel how the air leaves the mouth. In Spanish, sound “c” does not cause the air to leave your mouth. Acomodar, which means accommodate, is a perfect Spanish example. The “c” sound comes out crisp, and you spend less time on it.

  • The C and S Relationship =The C and S Relationship

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