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Difference Between Pronouncing G and J in Spanish

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Infographics of Difference Between Pronouncing G and J in Spanish

The pronunciations of letters G and J in English are very easy and have no difference in names as well. They are called "Jee" and "Jay" sequentially with the consonant pronounced with any combination of letters.

The letter G rhymes with “see” in both British and American English whereas the letter J rhymes with “say” in both English. 

The G and J in Spanish are more difficult letters to pronounce. Hence, it is preferable to read the words to individualize when using G and the J.

Those who want to be correct will find that the G has three common sounds and a pair of unusual conditions where it is pronounced very softly. Thus, you can think of G having two sounds only.

In Spanish, the letters “ge” and “jota” are much confusing for beginners. Here, we will go to instruct you all about the alphabet G and J, how to pronounce them, and the basic difference between the letters G and J.

Common Spanish Consonant Issues with G and J

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With English pronunciation, there are not various combinations and differences in the consonants G and J. In Spanish, consonants follow strict rules and exceptions for the sounds they produce. The sound changes when it’s combined with certain consonants and vowels. 
Consonants in Spanish are pronounced more softly. Although many consonants are pronounced the same in Spanish as they are in English, one common mistake made by beginners is pronouncing the consonants in Spanish words.
  • GOO-stoh =gusto

  • arreglar (arreglar), me pidió que arreglara los archivos. =arreglar (to arrange), He asked me to arrange the files.

  • grueso (áspero), El material áspero de la camisa me raspó la espalda. =grueso (coarse), The coarse material of the shirt scratched my back.

  • grande (grande), ¿Necesitas una habitación grande? =grande (large), Do you need a large room?

  • gris (gris), eligió un vestido gris. =gris (gray), She picked a gray dress.

  • globos (globos), mi hija quiere globos rojos. =globos (balloons), My daughter wants red balloons.

How to Get G and J Pronunciation Right

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Get G and J Right

This pronunciation of these sounds can get you off guard. The rules are simple, though. For starters, J becomes are loosely pronounced H. It is pronounced as if one is running out of breath. On the other hand, letter G, when followed by vowel u, becomes whoa sound. But if the G is preceding other vowels, it remains as G sound that has to be pronounced sharply. The G diction has to come out clearly. Once you get these simple tips, you will handle G and J intonations effortlessly like a pro.

  • GOO-stoh =gusto

  • arreglar (arreglar), me pidió que arreglara los archivos. =arreglar (to arrange), He asked me to arrange the files.

  • grueso (áspero), El material áspero de la camisa me raspó la espalda. =grueso (coarse), The coarse material of the shirt scratched my back.

  • grande (grande), ¿Necesitas una habitación grande? =grande (large), Do you need a large room?

  • gris (gris), eligió un vestido gris. =gris (gray), She picked a gray dress.

  • globos (globos), mi hija quiere globos rojos. =globos (balloons), My daughter wants red balloons.

Pronunciation of G in Spanish

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When the Spanish letter g goes before u, or a consonant, it’s exactly like the hard English “g” found in “grape” or “gorilla.” 
When g precedes i or e, it’s a soft g and pronounced like the Spanish letter j. That means that the same breathy g sound is used in the words Japón (Japan), girasol (sunflower), and germinar (germinate).
When we pronounce the g sound in guac, it happens that the pair gu comes with its own set of rules. When gu is followed by an i, e, or o, as in pingüino (penguin), guerra (war), and antiguo (old), respectively, the g is hard.
Formal Spanish rules might tell that gua follow suit, but the spoken pronunciation is typically whua.
That means aguacate (avocado), guacamole, and Guayaquil, Ecuadorian are all pronounced with a whua sound.
For Example-
  • Los girasoles (girasol) necesitan todo el sol para crecer. =Sunflowers (girasol) need the complete sun to grow.

  • Hay una guerra (guerra) entre dos países =There is a war (guerra) between two countries

  • Ellos irán a Japón (Japón) la próxima semana. =They will go to Japan (Japón) next week.

  • Los pingüinos (pingüino) no pueden volar. =Penguins (pingüino) can’t fly.

  • El aguacate (aguacate) contiene muchas fibras y ácidos grasos. =Avocado (aguacate) contains a lot of fibers and fatty acids.

Easy Methods to Pronounce G

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In English, the soft g can be pronounced much like the "g" in "dog" or "figure." whereas the hard "g" is pronounced in words such as "goat" and "good."
Just like the Spanish J, when g is followed by e or i, it is pronounced something like the letter "h". Hence, the sound of the g parallels that of the c, which has a "hard" sound except when it comes before an e or i, in which situation it has a softer sound. Both c and g follow a similar pattern in English.
The first three have the hard "g" sound, while the final two have the "h" sound.
If you follow these pronunciations, you should have no difficulty being understood-
For Example-
  • apagar - ahpagar, te olvidas de apagar (apagar) la luz. =apagar — ahpagar, You forget to turn off (apagar) the light.

  • ego - ehgoh, El hombre tiene un gran ego (ehgoh). =ego — ehgoh, The man has a big ego (ehgoh).

  • agente - ahenteh, póngase en contacto con nuestro agente en España. =agente — ahenteh, Please contact our agent in Spain.

  • girasol - herahsohl, El girasol es una planta de flor anual. =girasol — herahsohl, Sunflower is a yearly blossom plant.

  • gente - henteh, se hizo amiga de mucha gente en su colonia. =gente — henteh, She made friends with many people in her colony.

Some Specific Methods to Pronounce G

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Basically, the G has three tones. You need to learn the basic difference between these three sounds-
A. When the g comes immediately before an e or i, it is pronounced like the Spanish j.
B. When the g comes after a pause, such as at the beginning of a sentence, or if it doesn't have vowel sounds immediately before and after, the g can be pronounced much like the "g" in "dog" or "figure."
C. When the g comes between vowels, it is pronounced much softer, something between silence and the above pronunciation.
  • Gente, Hay mucha gente que vive en mi sociedad. =Gente (People), There are many people (gente) who lives in my society.

  • Girar (Girar), La tierra gira (girar) 24 horas. =Girar (Rotate), The earth rotates (girar) 24 hours.

  • Gato (gato), tengo un gato encantador. =Gato (Cat), I have a lovely cat (gato).

  • Gota (gota), mi hermana dejó (gota) su examen este año. =Gota (Drop), My sister drop (gota) her exam this year.

  • Gustar (amar), solía amar (gustar) a sus mascotas. =Gustar (to love), He used to love (gustar) his pets.

Spanish Exceptions with Pronunciation of G

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There are two important exceptions while pronouncing the G letter in Spanish.
Sometimes, the sound of the g in the letter combination gua, beginners soften or release the sound of the g when it appears at the beginning of the word such as in guapo, guacamole, and guardar. Guapo sounds something like wah-poh, and guacamole sounds like wah-kah-moh-leh.  Utmost, you may hear agua pronounced like ah-wah.
English gerunds ("-ing" with verbs) have been adopted into Spanish such as "running" and "swimming". The native speakers can easily imitate the "ng" sound at the end of a word, so the habit is to end the word with the n sound. Thus running may sound like runin, and swimming may sound like swimin.
In a few cases, such as "speaking" becoming speakin, the spelling has been changed to conform to the common pronunciation.
  • Runin (Running), Ellos están corriendo (runin) en el campo. =runin (Running), They are running (runin) in the field.

  • nadando (nadando), los patos están nadando (nadando) en el estanque. =swimin (Swimming), Ducks are swimming (swimin) in the pond.

  • hablando (hablando), están hablando (hablando) muy alto. =speakin (Speaking), They are speaking (speakin) very loudly.

  • eatin (Comer), estoy comiendo (comiendo) comida en el restaurante. =eatin (Eating), I am eating (eatin) food at the restaurant.

  • bailando (bailando), está bailando (bailando) muy bien. =dancin (Dancing), She is dancing (dancin) very well.

How to Pronounce J in Spanish?

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The j sound is formed by forcing air through the slightly constricted back part of the mouth. It's kind of a coarse sound. Let’s take a look at the Spanish letter j. 
The letter j has a breathy “h” sound, like “h” in “house.”  The sound of the j differs with the region. In some areas, the j sounds almost like a soft "k," and in some places, it sounds very close to the "h" sound in words such as "hot" or "hero." 
For Example- 
  • viaje (viaje), Fue un viaje agradable (viaje) para mi familia. =viaje (trip), It was a nice trip (viaje) for my family.

  • jinete (jinete), El conductor manipuló cuidadosamente (jinete) el coche. =jinete (jockey), The driver carefully jockeyed (jinete) the car.

  • rojo (rojo), decidió usar sari rojo (rojo). =rojo (red), She decided to wear red (rojo) saree.

  • jirafa (jirafa), La jirafa (jirafa) tiene un cuello muy largo. =jirafa (giraffe), The giraffe (jirafa) has a very long neck.

  • jueves (jueves), nos conocimos el jueves pasado (jueves). =jueves (Thursday), We met last Thurdsay (jueves).

Some Effective Rules with G and J

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In some cases, the letters g and j are pronounced the same way. But sometimes, they represent different sounds. Here are some helpful rules by which you can understand the pronunciations of G and J easily.
A. Before the vowels e and i, the letter g is pronounced harder like the h in a hat, and in this case, it conflicts with the pronunciation of the letter. 
For example-
  • gitano =Gypsy

  • engendrar =To cause

  • agitar =To stir

The letter g sounds like the g in the word, before the vowels a, o, and u.

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  • gorra =Cap

  • gato =Cat

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