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My Free Time, School, House in Spanish

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My Free Time, School, House in Spanish

My free time, school, house in Spanish

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Once you have mastered basic greetings you may feel stuck in a real life conversation in the Spanish language. You need to learn basic icebreakers to keep the conversation flowing. 

Talking about what you do in your spare time is perfect to get to know other person’s interests and to gain confidence in your speaking skills. Also, talking about your school or house will make you feel more comfortable in a conversation since they are basic topics which don’t require complex grammar structures or difficult vocabulary.

  • ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? =What do you do in your free time?

  • Leo novelas en mi tiempo libre =I read novels in my free time

Free time expressions in Spanish

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Talking about tu tiempo libre or your free time is a good way to make new friends while in a Spanish speaking country. If you are interested in other people’s pasatiempos or hobbies you simply ask ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? You can learn new vocabulary and Spanish expressions through the other person’s answer whether it’s sport, music, cooking, travelling or cultural content. 

¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? What do you do in your free time?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?What do you lie to do in your free time?
¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?What are your hobbies?
¿Tienes pasatiempos?Do you have any hobbies? 
Me gusta salir a correrI like running
Leo novelas en mi tiempo libreI read novels in my free time

  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?  =What do you lie to do in your free time?

  • ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos?  =What are your hobbies?

Talking about your school in Spanish

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It’s quite common to talk about your school in the Spanish language if you’ve just met new people in your Spanish class or if you are visiting a Spanish speaking country. You can simply say Mi escuela está…. to refer to the geographical location of your school. You can also say Mi escuela es… to describe your school or to say its name. 

Mi escuela está frente a la estación de bomberosMy school is in front of the fire station
¿A qué escuela vas?What school do you go to?
Voy a la San PatricioI go to Saint Patrick school
¿Tu escuela es pública o privada?Is your school public or private?
¿En qué turno estudias? What shift do you study? 
Estudio en el turno de la mañanaI study in the morning shift
¿A qué hora empiezas las clases?What time do you start classes?
A las 8 de la mañanaAt 8 in the morning 

  • Mi escuela está frente a la estación de bomberos  =My school is in front of the fire station

  • ¿A qué escuela vas? =What school do you go to?

  • Voy a la San Patricio =I go to Saint Patrick school

  • ¿Tu escuela es pública o privada? =Is your school public or private?

Talking about your lessons in Spanish

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Once you’ve talked about tu escuela, Spanish speakers will be interested in knowing a little bit more about tus clases or your lessons. You can talk about tus materias favoritas or favorite subjects or in which grado/año you are in. In Latin America countries, people refer to grades and years to talk about school classes.   

¿En qué grado/año estás?What grade/year are you in?
Estoy en 3er año de la secundario I’m in 3rd year in high school
¿Cuál es tu materia favorita?What’s your favourite subject?
Mi materia favorita es inglésMy favourite subject is english
¿Cómo te está yendo en matemáticas?How are you doing in maths?
Me está yendo bastante malI’m doing pretty bad


  • ¿En qué grado/año estás?  =What grade/year are you in?

  • Estoy en 3er año de la secundario  =I’m in 3rd year in high school

  • ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita? =What’s your favourite subject?

  • Mi materia favorita es inglés =My favourite subject is english

Describing your house in Spanish using the verbs HABER and TENER

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If you want to describe your house in the Spanish language you need to learn two basic verbs: Tener or to have and Haber or There is/are. In order to describe what you have in your house you can use any of these verbs. The verb Haber needs to match the 3rd person singular no matter how many objects you are describing. You simply say Hay dos años, Hay un baño en la casa or There are two bathrooms, there is a bathroom in the house. The spanish verb tiene matches the 3rd person singular to describe what your house have. 

Hay dos baños en la casaThere are two bathrooms in the house
La casa tiene dos bañosThe house has two bathrooms
Hay un comedor grande en la casaThere’s a big dining room in the house
La casa tiene un comedor grandeThe house has a big dining room
Yo tengo una casa pequeñaI have a small house

  • Hay dos baños en la casa  =There are two bathrooms in the house

  • La casa tiene dos baños  =The house has two bathrooms

  • Hay un comedor grande en la casa =There’s a big dining room in the house

  • La casa tiene un comedor grande =The house has a big dining room

Describing your house in Spanish using the verb SER

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In order to describe your house you need to learn the verb Ser and some adjectives in the spanish language. You simpley say Mi casa is pequeña or my house is small. The verb es matches de 3rd person singular. If you want to describe several rooms you simply say Las habitaciones son hermosas en mi casa or The rooms are beautiful in my house. In this case, the verb son matches the 3rd person plural. 

La casa es hermosaThe house is beautiful
La casa es grandeThe house is big
La casa es pequeñaThe house is small
Las habitaciones son grandes The rooms are big
El pasillo es angostoThe hallway is narrow
El living es modernoThe living room is modern
Los baños son cómodosThe bathrooms are comfortable


  • La casa es hermosa  =The house is beautiful

  • La casa es grande =The house is big

  • La casa es pequeña =The house is small

  • Las habitaciones son grandes  =The rooms are big

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