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What to Order in a Restaurant or Bar?

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Infographics of Ordering In A Bar or Restaurant

As per CNN Travel, Below are top 10 Spanish Dished You Must Try. Source CNN Travel.com

1Patatas bravas“The potatoes are cubed and shallow fried and served the same everywhere. The sauce can come in any number of ways, from spicy ketchup to garlic mayonnaise with a dusting of pimiento (smoked paprika), or both.” 
2Paella Valenciana“Paella is perhaps the most famous Spanish dish of all, and certainly one of the most abused. Authentic paella originates from the region around Valencia, and comes in two varieties: Paella Valenciana, with rabbit and chicken; and seafood paella.” 
3GazpachoThis tomato-based Andalusian soup is most famous for being served cold. This can be quite a shock for those who aren't expecting it, but in the searing heat of a Seville summer, the attraction becomes clear. 
4Pimientos de PadronA common dish on tapas menus, pimientos de Padron are green peppers that hail originally from the town of that name in Galicia, in Spain's lush, rainy northwest. 
5FideuàLess well known to tourists, fideuà is a type of Spanish pasta similar to vermicelli. It's popular in Catalonia and Valencia in seafood dishes that rival paella for their taste and intricacy. 
6JamónJamón, or cured ham, is the most celebrated Spanish food product. Legs of ham were traditionally salted and hung up to dry to preserve them through the long winter months. 

The humble Spanish omelet can be made with chorizo, peppers and onions, among other ingredients, but purists will tell you it should only contain potatoes and eggs.

The potatoes are diced and lightly fried before being added to the egg mixture and fried on a high heat; the trickiest part is when you have to flip the pan over to turn the tortilla.

8ChurrosChurros are a popular snack made from fried dough pastry, cut into sausage shapes and doused in sugar. They're a favorite at fiestas, or street parties, when they're sold by roadside vendors. Dipping them in hot melted chocolate is pretty much the law. 
9CroquetasAnother typical item on a tapas menu, croquetas are tubes of bechamel sauce encased in fried breadcrumbs, but a lot more tasty than that sounds. 

A classic tapas item, albondigas, or meatballs in tomato sauce, are served all over Spain.

A tasty variation serves up the meatballs drizzled in an almond sauce, minus the tomatoes. The version pictured is a squid meatball, by José Pizarro.


Wining and dining

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If you’re going out for a meal in Spain, the phrases in this unit will give you the confidence to talk to the waiter and chat with your Spanish friends in easy, natural Spanish. We’ll also give you some tips on getting advice about what to order, and a few key phrases the waiters are likely to use.

  • Quedamos en el restaurante? =Shall we meet at the restaurant?

  • Quedamos a las nueve? =Shall we meet at nine o’clock?

  • Quedamos con ellos en el Café Zurich? =Shall we meet them at the Café Zurich?

  • ¿Cómo quedamos?  =Where shall we meet and when?

  • Dónde quedamos?  =Where shall we meet?

What time…? Buen provecho! – Enjoy your meal!

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When making arrangements to eat, you’ll want to check what suits other people. Use ¿No te importa que…? followed by the subjunctive or ¿No te importa si…? followed by the ordinary present to ask Is it ok with you if…? Of course you should only use te with someone you call tú. Change it to le if you call them usted.

  • A qué hora quedamos?  =What time shall we meet up at?

  • A qué hora podrá llegar aquí tu mujer? =What time will your wife be able to get here?

  • Para qué hora has reservado mesa? =What time did you book the table for?

  • Hasta qué hora sirven? =Up to what time do they go on serving?

Would it be ok if…?

UtterBug Background

When making arrangements to eat, you’ll want to check what suits other people. Use ¿No te importa que…? followed by the subjunctive or ¿No te importa si…? followed by the ordinary present to ask Is it ok with you if…? Of course you should only use te with someone you call tú. Change it to le if you call them usted.

  • No te importa que venga un amigo mío? =Would it be ok if I brought a friend of mine?

  • No te importa si lo dejamos para la semana que viene? =Would it be ok if we left it till next week?

  • No os importa si llegamos un poco más tarde? =Would it be ok if we got there a bit later?

  • Me vendría mejor quedar contigo allí. =It would suit me better to meet you there.

  • Te vendría mejor el sábado por la noche? =Would Saturday evening suit you better?

  • El viernes me vendría mejor. =Friday would be better for me.

  • viene mejor si quedamos un poco más tarde. =It would be better for me if we made it a bit later.

  • Te viene mejor si lo dejamos para mañana? =Would it suit you better if we left it till tomorrow?


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One of the pieces of information you may need to find out is where things are. Remember that when you ask where something is, estar is the verb you generally use.

  • Estoy buscando la calle Teruel, ¿sabe usted dónde está? =I’m looking for the calle Teruel. Do you know where it is?

  • Sabe usted dónde está el restaurante Don Alfonso? =Do you know where the restaurant Don Alfonso is?

  • Perdone, ¿dónde están los servicios? =Excuse me, where are the toilets?


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Before you decide where to eat or what to eat, you may want to find out what the restaurant or the food is like. Don’t forget that Spanish has two verbs for to be: ser and estar.

  • Es un restaurante muy caro? =Is it a very expensive

  • Es un plato típico de la zona? =Is it a typical local dish?

  • Es un plato típico de la zona?  =Is it a typical local dish?

  • Es apto para vegetarianos? =Is it suitable for vegetarians?

  • La bebida está incluida en el menú de 10 euros? =Are drinks included in the 10-euro set menu?

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