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Expressing Feelings and Emotions in French

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Infographics of Expressing Feelings and Emotions in French

Expressing Enjoyment in French

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The last item in this chapter refers to feelings.    Generally speaking, feelings are adjectives, which agree in gender and number. This implies that you need to be aware if you are talking about yourself or others in the singular and/or plural form.    

As such, a question such as how are you? can be replied with below examples.

1Je vais bienI am Fine
2je suis fatiguéI am tired
3Je suis contentI am happy

  • Heureux =Happy

  • amoureux =In love

  • ennuyait =Bored

  • fatigué =Tired

  • effrayé =Scared

  • en colère =Angry

Infographics of Expressing Enjoyment in French

Express Sadness in French

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 French TranslationEnglish
2Heureux, satisfaitHappy, satisfied

  • jaloux =Jealous

  • préoccupé =Worried

  • furieux =Furious

  • triste =Sad

  • Embarrassé =Embarrassed

  • Optimiste =Optimistic

  • Détendu =Relaxed

  • Terrible, horrible =Terrible, awful

Express Fear in French

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Definition of Fear:- As per Cambridge dictionary a Fear is 
An unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen: Examples
1) Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman.
2) Even when the waves grew big, the boy showed no (signs of) fear.
3) I have a fear of heights.
4) The low profit figures simply confirmed my worst fears.

Ref:- Cambridge Dictionary

 English French Translation

  • Parmi le groupe le moins inquiet, 75% prévoient de voter le jour du scrutin. =Among the less worried group, 75 percent plan to vote on Election Day.

  • Parmi le groupe le moins inquiet, 75% prévoient de voter le jour du scrutin. =Among the less worried group, 75 percent plan to vote on Election Day.

  • Pendant un temps considérable, il est apparu très douteux de la fin de la bataille. =For a considerable time it appeared very doubtful how the battle would end.

  • Il est faible dans la néphrite interstitielle chronique, le diabète insipide et de nombreux troubles nerveux fonctionnels. =It is low in chronic interstitial nephritis, diabetes insipidus, and many functional nervous disorders.

  • Si vous craignez de rencontrer des problèmes pour exercer votre droit de vote à cette élection, vous n’êtes pas seul. =If you’re anxious about running into problems exercising your right to vote this election, you’re not alone.

  • Faisons le tri quand nous ne sommes pas tous terrifiés par une pandémie. =Let’s sort it out when we aren’t all terrified of a pandemic.

  • Nous ne pouvons pas paniquer si nous ne faisons pas de plans - si je ne fais pas de plans. =We can’t panic if we’re not making shots — if I’m not making shots.

  • Il semblait être dans sa communauté, entouré de gens horrifiés, dont beaucoup étaient jeunes. =He appeared to be in his community, surrounded by horrified people, many of them young.

Express Anger in French

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Definition of Anger:- As per Cambridge dictionary a Anger is 
A strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened: Examples of Anger
1) I think he feels a lot of anger towards his father, who treated him very badly as a child.
2) There is a danger that anger at the new law may turn into anti-government feeling.
3) The people showed no surprise or anger at their treatment.
4) He found it hard to contain (= control) his anger.

Ref: Cambridge Dictionary 

 English French Translation

  • Agacé =Annoyed

  • Isabel releva encore la tête, agacée par le sang en colère qui lui monta au visage. =Isabel lifted her head still higher, annoyed at the angry blood that leaped to her face.

  • Certains investisseurs sont devenus frustrés alors que la société se concentrait sur les vaccins. =Some investors became frustrated as the company shifted its focus to vaccines.

  • Ô mort, que le souvenir de toi est amer à un homme qui a la paix dans ses possessions! =O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that hath peace in his possessions!

  • Pauvres malheureux, comme ils sont de plus en plus irrités et nerveux à l'approche de leur procès! =Poor unfortunates, how irritated and nervous they are growing as their trial day draws near!

  • Puis elle a gagné et est devenue à moitié folle de joie et d'excitation, mais la joie n'a pas duré longtemps. =Then she won, and went half mad with the joy and excitement, but the joy didn't last long.

  • Certains spécialistes du marketing de masse les utilisent pour publier des liens, mais je pense que c'est une triche. =Some crowd marketers use them for link posting, but I think it is a cheat.

Infographics of Express Anger in French

Express Disgust in French

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Definition of Disgust:- As per Cambridge dictionary a Disgust is 
A strong feeling of disapproval and dislike at a situation, person's behaviour, etc.:
Few Examples

1) We are demonstrating to show our anger and disgust at the treatment of refugees.
2) He resigned from the committee in disgust at the corruption.
3) Beresford, much to his disgust, was fined for illegal parking.
4) She walked out in disgust.

Ref: Cambridge Dictionary 

Feelings caused by Disgust:- 

 English French Translation
1dislikeNe pas aimer

  • Je n'aime pas manger de la glace =I Dislike eating ice cream

  • Sa propre aversion (ce n'était en fait rien de moins que l'aversion) du seigneur vivant, son amour durable pour le mort. =Her own dislike (it was indeed no less than dislike) of the living lord, her lasting love for the dead one.

  • Elle se sentait en quelque sorte comme une complice du crime, et essayait de paraître sévère et désapprobatrice. =She somehow felt like a confederate in crime, and tried to look severe and disapproving.

  • Ce qui m'offense le plus, c'est que ma fiancée a tendance à négocier après s'être excusée. =What offends me the most is that my fiancee has a tendency to negotiate after she apologizes.

  • Il semblait être dans sa communauté, entouré de gens horrifiés, dont beaucoup étaient jeunes. =He appeared to be in his community, surrounded by horrified people, many of them young.

  • Peu de temps après, elle est venue à sa leçon en boitant et a remarqué qu'elle se sentait très mal à l'aise. =Shortly after she came to her lesson limping, and remarked that she felt very uncomfortable.

  • Elle est, cependant, une critique sévère de son propre travail et est grandement perturbée par des éloges aveugles. =She is, however, a severe critic of her own work and is greatly disturbed by indiscriminating praise.

  • Ils sont dans un cycle d’utilisation et de lutte contre le sevrage toutes les trois ou quatre heures. =They’re in a cycle of using and fighting withdrawal every three or four hours.

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