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French Transition Words

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Infographics of French Transition Words

For anybody learning a language, transition words generally aren't first on the list. Once you've mastered nouns and basic French phrases, transition words are important key for hanging your sentences together.

What are French Transition words?

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Transition words connect ideas to one another, helping the audience sort out what we say. Actually, transition words are what change your broken French into the smooth, swoon-worthy language you've generally dreamed for talking.

So, be a master below mention French transition words and take your vocabulary to the next level.
1)	Comme

Comme has a variety of definitions relying on the specific context, making it an important transition word to learn. Most importantly, comme can be used to mean like or as when you're looking at or differentiating two things or ideas. 
  • Pensent-ils comme nous? =Do they think like/as we do?

  • C'est une excuse comme une autre  =It's as good an excuse as any.

  • Elle est arrivé comme je commençais à manger: =She arrived as I was starting to eat.

  • Comme elle est pas là, je vais le faire: =Since she's not here, I'm going to do it.

  • C'est facile comme tout: =It's as easy as can be.


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Puisque also has a similar meaning to comme, which means because or since. In other words, Puisque is also known as subordinating conjunction and can start a sentence. Clarification or justification, instead of a cause. `
  • Tu peux partir puisque tu es malade: =You can leave, since you're sick.

  • Puisque c'était son erreur, il m'a aidé: =Since it was his mistake, he helped me.

  • Oui, puisque John ira avec elle: =Of course she will, because John's going with her.

  • La loi ontarienne prévoit cependant une classification puisque le par: =The Ontario Statute envisages, however, a classification system since

  • T'aurais du puisque c'est là que nous étions: =I was about to call the police. Well, you should have, since that's where we've been.


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Making a conversation straightforwardly to then, puis makes its way into several conversations and stories. The most awesome part about puis is that it’s basic and simple to recall when you're looking for a transition word in conversation.
  • Chaque couche est déposée sous forme liquide puis solidifiée: =Each layer is deposited in a liquid form and is then solidified.

  • j'ai fait mes devoirs puis j'ai regardé la télé: =I did my homework then I watched TV.

  • Feuilles bronzées ou oranges puis brunissent et tombent: =Leaves turn bronze or orange, then brown and drop.

  • j'ai une soeur, Sonia, (et) puis il y a mon frère...: =I have a sister, Sonia, (and) then there's my brother...

  • Repérer Double- Face, puis le tuer: =Get a fix on Two- Face. Then I' il kill him.

En outre

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Also are quite possibly the most used words in modern English, popping up across written and verbal language. En outre is its French similar.
  • Les chambres peuvent en outre être reliées: =The chambers may also be connected

  • L'image est, en outre, utilisée pour la détection et la poursuite de cibles ponctuelles: =The image is also used for point target detection and tracking.

  • Un principe biologiquement actif tel qu'un agent anti-thrombose peut en outre être fixé à la surface modifiée: =Also, a biologically active agent such as an anti-thrombotic agent may be attached to the modified surface.

  • Les ressorts peuvent en outre fixer mécaniquement le transformateur dans sa position: =The springs can additionally mechanically secure the transformer in position.

  • La tête peut en outre avoir un ou plusieurs trous pour outils: =Additionally, the head can have one or more tool holes.

Parce que

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This is a useful term that you will undoubtedly use in everyday conversation. It simply means because and it can be used to react to questions or transition between phrases.
  • Ça ne prouve rien parce que...: No. =No, this doesn't prove anything because...

  • Tout ça parce que je prends une journée de repos: =I don't see why you're being so disagreeable just because I got a chance for one day of rest.

  • Probablement parce que vous étiez avec moi: =I suppose it's because you happened to be with me in the runabout.

  • Excuse-moi, c'est parce que... =That's because I'm not used to having someboy next to me.

  • Ce feed-back est intéressant parce que nous travaillons souvent seuls =Such feedback is interesting because you are so often alone when carrying out your task.

  • On est brisés parce que tu as fui: =Well, if we're all broken, maybe it's because - You walked away.


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This can generally be exchanged with parce que for a shortened version of because. Although, more developed French speakers use this word as something somewhat more like since or for in conversation.
  • Modéré, car nous devons être modestes =It is moderate because we have to be modest.

  • Cette mesure est décevante car incomplète =This measure is disappointing because it is deficient.

  • Saluons ces progrès et ces ouvertures car ils sont fondamentaux =Let us salute this progress and these achievements because they are fundamental.

  • Celui-ci est très complet car il comprend 4 mesures distinctes =It is a very comprehensive text because it contains four distinct measures.

  • Cette méthode est complètement Indolore car non-invasive et sécuritaire =This method is completely painless because it is non-invasive and secured.

Pour que

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Equivalent to puis and car, this go-to transition term is incredible for moving between various thoughts in a sentence. Pour que implies so that when explaining why you did or thought something. It can also be used to help a proposition or plan.
  • On est sortis pour que John puisse trafiquer la voiture =Such as you went out with me last night... so that John could get a shot at the little car.

  • Je lui explique pour qu'il comprenne =I'm explaining to him so that he understands.

  • Aidez-nous pour que personne ne soit au milieu =We need you to help So that no one gets in the line of fire.

  • J'apprends le tango pour que nous dansions ensemble =I'm learning the tango so that we may dance together.

  • Nous devons collaborer pour que toutes les parties fonctionnent mieux =We need to collaborate with one another so that all of the parts work better.


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Quand is an additional word that works fine at the starting of sentences. It means when. For instance, quand meme means even so, and n’importe quand (literally meaning it’s not important when) means whenever.
  • Le grand disciplinaire... sait quand récompenser et quand punir =The great disciplinarian... knows when to reward and when to punish.

  • Ça disparaîtra peut-être quand tout sera transformé - je ne sais pas quand =Perhaps once everything has been transformed it will disappear - I don't know when.

  • Je sais quand accélérer et quand ralentir =I know when to speed up and when to slow down.

  • On me disait quand manger, quand dormir, quand marcher, quand parler, tout =It was like, they tell me when to eat, when to sleep, when to walk, when to talk, everything.

Final Words

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Learning to speak and write French is quite tough endeavour with long-term benefits. Gather your knowledge and become an impressive smooth talker by keeping above French transition words in your back pocket.

  •  =

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