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Modern French Slang

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Infographics of Modern French Slang

There is consistently a huge contrast between a language that you are learning in the study hall and the language that you are learning in a particular country. You will understand that the most important words are French slang words. You will require it to comprehend local people, the movies, and the songs.

Fortunately, you can get those French slang expressions here. Memorize as numerous as you prefer, and make sure to drop them in front of your French-talking companions!

So, now let’s see few modern French slang examples:

“Trop Zarb, Ton Idée”

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In Modern French Slang: Your Idea Is Way Too Strange 
Alternate spellings: “zarbi”
This slang expression is in reality pretty normal and is the contraction of a reversal (verlan) of "bizarre". Thusly, a 3 syllable word turns out to be only 1 syllable – significantly more proficient for the busy d'jeune :- )
"Zarb" or "zarbi" can be applied to circumstances or people/things the same: "tu la trouves pas zarbi la prof d'Anglais?"
  • tu la trouves pas zarbi la prof d'Anglais? =Don't you find the english teacher weird?

French Slang - "Gueule de bois"

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Translation of exactly the same words in English “face of wood". This French slang is too significant, it implies hangover. This expression is coming from the way that the day after a party where there was a lot of liquor included, the people will have his/her mouth totally dry like the wood.
  • 1) Le whisky me donne toujours une terrible gueule de bois =Whiskey always gives me a terrible hangover.

  • 2) J'ai eu une terrible gueule de bois le lendemain matin =I had a terrible hangover the next morning.

  • 3) Elle s'est réveillée avec une terrible gueule de bois =She woke up with a terrible hangover.

  • 4) Quel est le meilleur remède contre la gueule de bois? =What's the best cure for a hangover?

  • 5) Il avait un remède infaillible pour une gueule de bois =He had an infallible cure for a hangover.

French Slang - "Clope"

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This French slang is for a cigarette. As you would know, French people enjoy smoking particularly during a party. The French may use the verb "to tax" with this slang. It is a feminine word so it is "une clope".
  • 1) Il a roulé une cigarette en parlant =He rolled a cigarette as he spoke.

  • 2) Éteignez votre cigarette avant de manger =Put out your cigarette before you eat.

  • 3) Quelle marque de cigarettes fumez-vous? =What brand of cigarettes do you smoke?

  • 4) L'homme a allumé une cigarette avec un briquet =The man lit a cigarette with a lighter.

  • 5) Voudriez-vous éteindre votre cigarette? =Would you please put out your cigarette?

French Slang Expression - "Ça me saoule"

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It relies on how you are using this word; if you use it with "be" it essentially implies that you are drunk. You can use this French expression when any person or thing is annoying you.
  • 1) L'homme avait l'air agacé autant que déçu =The man looked annoyed as much as disappointed.

  • 2) Elle était agacée parce qu'elle craignait que cela ne mène au Malheur =She was annoyed because she feared it would lead to unhappiness.

  • 3) De toute évidence, il était agacé par son ton caustique =Obviously he was annoyed by her caustic tone.

  • 4) Sa voix avait un côté ennuyé =His voice had an annoyed edge.

  • 5) Le voyageur et les agriculteurs sont parfois agacés par le moustique =The traveller and farmers are at times annoyed by the mosquito.

French Slang Word - "Ça gère"

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This slang word or expression could be interpreted as "It rocks". There is a simple expression that rhythms "ça gère la fougére", (fougére implies plant).
  • 1) Cette émission de télévision est genial =This TV show rocks.

  • 2) Elle joue aux jeux video =She rocks at video games.

  • 3) Cet endroit est genial =This place rocks.

French Slang Expression - Je pète la dalle

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This French Slang word is the most ideal way to tell your friend that you simply need to eat now. Translated into English and it sounds as “I explode of hungry".
  • 1) On mange quand ? Je pète la dalle ! =When do we eat? I am starving!

French Slang - "Je me casse"

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This French Slang implies I am escaping the place however it translated of straightforwardly into English it would sound "I'm breaking myself", sounds bizarre right? 
  • 1) Êtes-vous opposé à une pause de temps en temps? =Are you opposed to a break now and then?

  • 2) La femme s'efforça de rompre sa prise, mais il la maintint en place =The woman strained to break his grip, but he held her in place.

  • 3) Et je ne ressens jamais une rupture ou un éclat du tout =And I never feel a break or a splinter in the least.

  • 4) Quand le groupe a fait une pause, Carmen cherchait quelque chose de cool à boire =When the band took a break, Carmen was looking for something cool to drink.

  • 5) Cela le fera ou le brisera, et je ne pense pas qu'il soit prêt =It'll make or break him, and I don't feel like he's anywhere near ready.

French Slang - "À chier / Faire chier"

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Translated into English, it sounds as "it Sucks". This pleasant method to express your emotions (sarcasm). You can use it when a person or thing is annoying you a ton with "faire chier" or when it is truly bad with "à chier".
  • 1) Ce jeu est à chier =This game sucks.

  • 4) Ça craint un peu là-bas quand il pleut, mais la plupart du temps c'est une huée =It kinda sucks out there when it rains but most of the time it's a hot.

  • 5) Même si votre attitude est nulle =Even if your attitude sucks.

French Slang - "Blindé"

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This is a French expression to say that the any person is super-rich. It can be used when you are completely full while eating or just when something is almost full. 
  • 1) Les riches ont toujours eu ce luxe =The rich have always had this luxury.

  • 2) Sa riche voix traînante ne trahissait pas plus d'émotions que ses paroles =His rich drawl betrayed no more emotions than his words.

  • 3) Elle se força à remarquer à quel point le ciel était sombre, la riche odeur de terre dans l'air, le chatouillement des aiguilles de pin qui effleuraient sa peau =She forced herself to notice how dark the sky was, the rich scent of earth in the air, the tickle of the pine needles that brushed her skin.

  • 4) C'est assez riche =It is rich enough.

French Slang - "Flemme"

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This French slang should be used with the verb "avoir" (=to have). A term whose origin all the way back to the middle Ages. Around then, doctors trusted in the theory of humor, bodily fluids expected to impact the behavior of people. Likewise, if a person had excessively "phlegm" in his body, he was considered to have little energy.
  • Il dit qu'ils sont trop paresseux pour travailler =He says they're too lazy to work.

  • C'était une journée paresseuse, plus comme le début de l'été que la fin-  =It was a lazy day, more like the beginning of summer than the end.

  • Katie n'était pas paresseuse, mais elle n'aimait pas avoir de la saleté sous ses ongles =Katie wasn't lazy, but she didn't like getting dirt under her fingernails.

  • Comment quelqu'un d'aussi paresseux peut-il être aussi maigre =How can someone so lazy be so skinny?

  • Pour elle, les jours de farniente de l'été n'avaient pas beaucoup changé depuis qu'elle était enfant =For her, the lazy days of summer hadn't changed much since she was a child.

Final Words

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Slang is famously difficult to teach accurately. Such a large amount of it relies on shared experiences and pop culture references in various locales. Moreover, French slang sounds truly terrible a non-local speaker attempts to play it excessively 'hip' and uses a lot of it.
  • Mots d'argot français =French Slang Words

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