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All You Need is Love!! Say I Love You in Spanish

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Infographics of How to Say I love you in Spanish

Well, if you need to say I Love You to someone, things must be serious. Lets get on right to it. 
There are many ways of showing affection in Spanish, but, surprisingly, there are two ways to say “I love you”: Te amo and Te quiero. It is highly important to be aware of the slight difference between them so as to convey your feelings with the rights words

Learning the difference between these two phrases and when is correct to use them takes time and a little memorization. Although there are only two ways of saying I love you in Spanish, you need practice so as to know which one is the most appropriate to use. Nobody wants to show a deep love on a first date or tell their beloved one they love them like a friend.

If it is a matter of dating, marriage, friendship, casual love relationships or relationships in general; you’ll find the correct way to show your affection in Spanish  without hurting anyone’s feelings. 

The first thing you need to know is that these expressions are not interchangeable. This means, you use one of them to show affection to your family/friends and the other one, to your loved one. The degree of familiarity and fondness is a crucial factor when using Te amo and Te quiero.

Classic Ways of Saying I Love You

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In Spanish culture, people tend to say Te amo- the spanish version of I love you- to the person they are dating or married. If you are committed to someone or in a serious relationship, saying Te amo is a way of showing a deep affection. Te amo is reserved to show romantic love. It means you are deeply in love with someone. 

However, Te quiero (it literally means I want you), is widely used to show affection to your parents, siblings, pets, friends or significant people. If you are in a love relationship which is not that serious, you may choose the phrase Te quiero. Te quiero is reserved to show affection and fondness. It doesn’t imply you are in love with someone. 
  • Te amo Versus Te quiero =I love you

  • Te amo con todo mi corazón =I love you with all my heart

  • Eres el amor de mi vida =You’re the love of my life

  • Te amo hasta la luna y de regreso. =I love you to the moon and back again.

  • Nosotros encajamos como piezas de un rompecabezas. =We fit together like puzzle pieces.

  • Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado. =You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  • Tu me completas. =You complete me.

  • No puedo creer que seas mío. =I can't believe you're mine.

  • Eres una hermosa persona por dentro y por fuera. =You are a beautiful person inside and out.

  • Estoy aquí para ti ... siempre. =I am here for you…always.

Infographics of Classic Ways of Saying I Love You

"Te Amo" in Spanish - I Love You

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  • Te amo por la eternidad =I love for all eternity

  • Te amo de una manera romántica =I love you in a romantic way

  • Te quiero tanto =I love you so

Top 5 Songs to Say I Love You in Spanish

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Te amo is a strong and passionate phrase that can’t be told to anyone. You should be quite sure about your feelings before saying Te amo to someone. There are many variants or phrases to express how you feel.

1) BÉSAME MUCHO Song on YouTube 
2) No te alejes de mí por By Vicentico   YouTube 
3) La cosa más bella - Ramazzotti  YouTube 
4) MANÁ Rayando El Son - Mana   YouTube 
5) Te Amo  YouTube 
  • Bésame mucho canción =Kiss Me a lot Song

  • No te alejes de mí por By Vicentico =Dont Get Away From Me By Vicentico

  • La cosa más bella - Ramazzotti =The Most Beautiful Thing By Singer Ramazzotti

  • MANÁ Rayando El Son - Mana =Rayando El Sun By Manna

  • Te Amo - Love Song =I Love You - Song

"Me Gustas Tanto" in Spanish - I Like You So Much

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Well, if you are not sure, an easier expression to say your feelings can be ‘I Like You So Much’ ie ‘
me gustas Tanto’.

This can be used to check the overall mood, feelings and if all is good, go right in to say I Love You.
  • Me gustas Tanto =I Like You So Much

  • Mi amor =My love

  • Te amo más que a nada =I love you more than anything

  • Te amo muchisimo =I love you so much

"Mi Amor" in Spanish - My Love

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Most used Spanish word to express love or someone you love is Mi Amor. Use Mi Amor to call your loved one, someone you really really love.
  • Te amo con todas mis fuerzas =I love you with all my strength

Infographics of

"Te Amo Muchisimo" in Spanish - I love You So Much

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Te amo is a phrase you don’t say every day to anyone nor can it be taken lightly. In contrast to the english language where people tend to say I love chocolates, I love my dog, I love the beach, I love sunny days; in Spanish it is a phrase you choose to reflect a deep affection to a loved person. 

Translating English words into Spanish won't provide the cultural context needed to get your message across. English phrases and expressions- such as I love you- are translated in different ways depending on the context of real conversations. Learning Spanish is an adventure you should embark upon to avoid making mistakes or get embarrassed when declaring your love to your spanish- speaking special person.       
  • Te amo muchisimo =I love you so much

  • Eres mi alma gemela =You are my soulmate

  • Mi corazón te llama =My heart calls out for you

  • Me gusta la forma en que me haces sentir, incluso cuando no estás cerca =I like the way you make me feel, even when you are not around

"Te amo con locura" in Spanish - I Love You Madly

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After a date night, if you wanna invite your date inside may be for a coffee or something, you can probably use 

‘Quiero tomar un cafe’.
  • Te amo con locura =I love you madly

  • Estoy tan listo para nuestro futuro juntos ". =I'm so ready for our future together."

  • A veces te miro y me pregunto cómo pude ser tan condenadamente afortunado  =Sometimes I look at you and I wonder how I got to be so damn lucky.

  • Te amo mucho más que a nadie en la tierra y me gustas más que todo en el cielo =I love you much more than anyone on the earth and I like you better than everything in the sky

  • Juro que no podría amarte más de lo que te amo ahora, y sin embargo sé que lo haré mañana =I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow

  • Si tuviera mi vida para vivir de nuevo, te encontraría antes para poder AMARTE por más tiempo. =If I had my life to live over again, I'd find you sooner so that I could LOVE you longer.

  • Mírame de esa manera otra vez, y puedes reclamar lo que queda de mi corazón. =Look at me that way again, and you may just claim what's left of my heart.

The ongoing problem of I love you in Spanish

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Spanish-speaking cultures are widely known for their warmth, fondness and the way they express their feelings. For that reason, it is not surprising the Spanish language has a variety of phrases to show different levels of affection. This language is rich in vocabulary to accurately express an array of sentiments. 


How do you express your feelings to a family member such as parents or siblings? What about your friends or someone you like? In Spanish, the phrase Te amo doesn’t fit all situations. If you want to let your family or friends know you love them, then saying Te quiero is the most appropriate phrase in Spanish. 


In a new romantic relationship, you can’t say Te quiero. It is an inappropriate way of showing your feelings if you haven't reached the Te amo level. Saying Te quiero means you are making clear that you are interested in the other person.  Te quiero is a more casual way of saying I love you. 


Saying Te quiero is also a good way to explain to someone you just want to be friends or you are not ready to get involved in a romantic relationship yet. If you're falling in love, instead, saying Te quiero is a much stronger phrase than simply saying I like you. You are showing your feelings to the other person but it isn’t as strong as Te amo. 


How do you express your feelings to someone you’ve been dating for a long period of time and you are falling in love? After the first stage of a relationship, you may feel ready to go forward and show your deepest feelings to the other person. Saying Te amo is a declaration of love. It means you should reserve it to someone you really care for and is your partner or spouse. 

  • Eres el amor de mi vida =You are the love of my life

Romantic Activities to Say “I Love You”

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Creative activities to express your love.
  • Organiza un día de spa en casa =Set up a spa day at home

  • Envía flores o un regalo a su trabajo. =Send flowers or a treat to their work

  • Da un paseo en globo aerostático =Go on a hot air balloon ride

  • Ir a mirar las estrellas =Go stargazing

  • Dar un paseo en un carruaje tirado por caballos =Go for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage

  • Acurrúcate junto a la chimenea =Cuddle up by the fireplace

  • Escríbeles una carta de amor =Write them a love letter

  • Dales un regalo personalizado =Give them a personalized gift

  • Léeles un poema romántico =Read them a romantic poem

  • Prepara una cena a la luz de las velas =Make a candlelit dinner

  • Escucha su cancion favorita =Listen to their favorite song

  • Llévala a cenar =Take her out for Dinner

Funny Ways to Say “I Love You”

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One of the best ways to show someone you care is to make them laugh. Whether it be with a joke or an activity, these ideas will put smiles on you and your love’s faces. 
  • ¿Qué le dijo el volcán a la montaña? Te lavo! =What did the volcano say to the mountain? I lava you!

  • Ustedes son los crayones de mi libro para colorear =You are the crayons to my coloring book

  • Me he enamorado de ti y no puedo levantarme =I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up

  • Estoy loco por ti, o tal vez solo loco! =I’m crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!

  • Me gustaría que fueras la estrella invitada en mi Love Boat =I’d like you to guest star on my Love Boat

  • Eres como el tocino, ¡lo haces todo mejor! =You are just like bacon, you make everything better!

  • Hazles una fiesta sorpresa =Throw them a surprise party

  •  =

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  • Hazles una fiesta sorpresa =Throw them a surprise party

  • Nosotros vamos juntos como galletas y salsa. =We go together like biscuits and gravy

  • Planeo molestarte por mucho, mucho tiempo =I plan on bugging you for a long, long time

  • Eres mi distracción favorita =You are my favorite distraction

  • Envejecemos y arruguemos juntos =Let’s grow old and wrinkly together

  • El amor es ser tonto juntos =Love is being silly together

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