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Short and Awesome Welcome Messages

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Infographics of How To Welcome Someone In Spanish

Welcome - Meaning in Spanish Dictionary

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Welcome means to be pleased and encouraged to support something. Few examples will explain in detail.
  • estar complacido y alentar o apoyar algo: =To be pleased about and encourage or support something:

  • Celebramos la afirmación del gobierno de su intención de actuar. =We welcome the government's affirmation of its intention to act.

  • La iniciativa de paz fue bien recibida por ambas partes. =The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.

  • Dijeron que acogieron con agrado el juicio como una oportunidad para reivindicarse. =They said they welcomed the trial as a chance to vindicate themselves.

  • Este paso hacia la mejora de las guarderías infantiles ha sido ampliamente acogido. =This move towards improving childcare facilities has been widely welcomed.

  • conocer y hablar con alguien de manera amistosa cuando llegue: =To meet and speak to someone in a friendly way when they arrive

  • Si alguien es bienvenido, se alegra cuando lo visita: =If someone is welcome, you are pleased when they visit you:

  • para mostrarle a alguien que está contento de que esté con usted: =To show someone that you are pleased that they are with you:

  • Si algo es bienvenido, te complace tenerlo o hacerlo: =If something is welcome, you are pleased to have or do it:

  • solía decirle a alguien que ciertamente puede hacer algo: =Used to tell someone that they can certainly do something:

Welcome To - Idioms

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Every day we use a variety of ready-made phrases that just trip off our tongues in English, such as How are you, please take a seat, can you please hurry up, many congratulations, have a wonderful day, thanks and the same to you. In this lesson we help you to learn all the phrases, expressions of this sort that you will need in Spanish, so that you can say the welcome someone with confidence.
  • ¡Ah, John, bienvenido a Nueva York! ¿Cómo estuvo tu vuelo? =Ah, John —welcome to New York! How was your flight?

  • Encantado de conocerte. – Igualmente.  =Pleased to meet you. – Pleased to meet you too.

  • Mucho gusto. – Igualmente. =Pleased to meet you. – Pleased to meet you too.

  • ¡Bienvenido a la feria anual del condado! Esperamos que la pases de maravilla. =Welcome to the annual county fair! We hope you have a wonderful time.

Short and Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees

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Having a first impression is important. We have listed some of the most common Welcome and introduction lines that can be professionally used to welcome a new Employee into the company. Some say first impressions are the last, so here you go.
  • Acabamos de escuchar que nuestra empresa contrató a un nuevo empleado impresionante para unirse a nuestro equipo, y adivinar qué? Ese eres tú. ¡Bienvenido a bordo! =We just heard that our company hired an awesome new employee to join our team, and guess what? That’s you. Welcome aboard!

  • ¡Bienvenidos al equipo! Estamos encantados de tenerlo en nuestro equipo. =Welcome to the team! We are excited to have you in our team.

  • Todo nuestro equipo está preparado para darle la bienvenida a bordo. =Our entire team is thrielled to welcome you on board.

  • Una cálida bienvenida y muy buenos deseos de formar parte de nuestra familia oficial. =A warm welcome and very good whished to join our official family.

  • Una gran enhorabuena por formar parte de nuestro equipo y hacer crecer la familia. Bienvenidos =A big congratulations on becoming part of our team and growing family. Welcome

  • Una cálida bienvenida a su nueva oficina. Esperamos que su transición sea lo más sencilla posible. =A warm welcome to your new office. We hope to make your transition as smooth as possible.

  • Estamos emocionados de trabajar con usted y asumir nuevos proyectos como desafío. Bienvenidos =We are excited to work with you and take on new projects as challenge. Welcome

  • Un empleado de su inteligencia, talentoso y tan lleno de energía es un activo para cualquier organización. Damos la bienvenida a bordo. =An employee of your intelligence, talented, and so full of energy is an asset for any organization. We welcome aboard.

Sweet Work Anniversary Wishes and Quotes for Employees and Peers

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Wishing colleagues and peers anniversary wishes, celebrating small occasions in office. Below are most commonly used phrases used in Spanish language for formal setup in office. 
  • Recordarle que ha recorrido un largo camino y sus contribuciones profesionalmente continuaron inspirándonos. ¡Te deseo un feliz aniversario laboral! =Reminding you that you have come a long way and your contributions professionally continued to inspire us. Wish you a very Happy Work Anniversary!

  • Hola colega. Me gustaría extender mis más cordiales deseos en su aniversario de trabajo en nombre de todo el equipo. =Hi Mate. I would like to extend heartiest wishes on your work anniversary on behalf of complete team.

  • El trabajo duro, la lealtad y la diligencia lo convierten en el mejor empleado del año. Extendemos nuestro deseo a usted y su equipo. =Hard work, Loyalty and Diligence make you best employee of the year. We extend our wished to you and your team.

  • Ha establecido un estándar ejemplar para todos nosotros con su ética de trabajo y su dedicación. =You have set an exemplary standard for all of us with your work ethic and your dedication.

Welcome Messages for Successful Customer Onboarding

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As in English, there are several ways you can ask someone how they are in Spanish and a variety of ways to reply for on boarding a customer successfully.

Qué alegría verte de nuevo! How lovely to see you again!
Cuánto tiempo sin verte!I haven’t seen you for ages!

  • Felicitaciones por la suscripción exitosa. Le damos la bienvenida a bordo. =Congratulations on Successful subscription. We welcome you on board.

  • A bordo del cliente con un mensaje de bienvenida al sitio web =Onboard the customer with a website welcome message

  • Haz una oferta de bienvenida por tiempo limitado =Make a limited-time welcome offer

  • Personalice sus mensajes de bienvenida =Make your welcome messages personal

  • Demostrar los beneficios =Demostrate the benefits

  • Anime a los usuarios a explorar =Encourage users to explore

  • Fomenta otras acciones con una carta de bienvenida =Encourage other actions with a welcome letter

  • Agregue la opción Cancelar suscripción =Add the Unsubscribe option

Sample Welcome Letter for New Employee

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September 1, 2018

Stuart Lee
35 Warren Street
Palm Springs, Wishika 54101

Dear Suart:

I'd like to welcome you to ACME Retailers. We are excited that you have accepted our job offer and agreed upon your start date. I trust that this letter finds you mutually excited about your new employment with (Name of Company).

  • Las cartas de bienvenida pueden ser extremadamente sencillas =Welcome letters can be xtremely simple

Welcome Synonyms

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Similar words that can be used for welcome someone. these are quite similar words, expressions and phrases that can be used based on comfort level, knowledge. Key is to know as many expressions as possible which makes Spanish conversation fluid. 
  • saludos =Greetings

  • recibido calurosamente =Warmly received

  • Honrado =Honoured

  • admitido con mucho gusto =Gladly admitted

  • Cómo lo haces =How do you do

  • Súper. Quiéralo =Super. Love It

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