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Asking For Directions in Spanish

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When travelling around in an unfamiliar place, you’re quite likely to have to ask for directions or advice. Use perdone (excuse me) or perdone, por favor (excuse me, please) to attract someone’s attention before asking them a question.

How do i get to ..? Is it ...?

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Está lejos?Is it far?
Está cerca de aquí?Is it near here? 
Está en el centro de la ciudad?Is it in the town centre?
Está ocupado este asiento? Is this seat free?
Está incluido el seguro? Is the insurance included?
Es ésta la parada para el museo? Is this the right stop for the museum? 
Perdone, ¿es éste el tren que va a Toledo? Excuse me, is this the train for Toledo?

Tip: Don’t forget that there are two verbs which both mean to be in Spanish – ser and estar.

  • Perdone, por favor, ¿cómo se llega al centro? =Excuse me, how do I get to the city centre?

  • Cómo se llega a la estación de tren?  =How do we get to the railway station?

  • Para ir al Museo Picasso, por favor? =How do I get to the Picasso Museum, please?

  • Para ir a la estación de autobuses es por aquí? =Is it this way to the bus station?

  • Perdone, ¿por dónde se va a Segovia?  =Excuse me, which way do I go for Segovia?

Asking Directions ... Am I going ...??

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Asking Directions ... Am I going ...??

  • Voy bien para el aeropuerto? =Am I going the right way for the airport?

  • Vamos bien para la autopista? =Are we going the right way for the motorway?

  • Va usted al aeropuerto?  =Do you go to the airport?

  • Para usted en la plaza de España?  =Do you stop in the plaza de España?

Directions starting from Where is ...?

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To ask which bus, which platform, which line, and so on, you use ¿Qué…? followed by a noun.

  • Perdone, ¿dónde está la consigna?  =Excuse me, where’s the left luggage office?

  • Por favor, ¿dónde está la parada de taxis más cercana?  =Where’s the nearest taxi rank, please?

  • Dónde están los servicios?  =Where are the toilets?

  • ¿Sabe usted de dónde salen los autobuses a Torrejón?  =Do you know where the buses to Torrejón leave from?

  • Perdone, ¿dónde se compran los billetes, por favor?  =Excuse me, where do I buy a ticket, please?

  • Qué línea tengo que coger?  =Which line do I need to take?

  • De qué vía sale el tren a Vilanova?  =Which platform does the train for Vilanova leave from?

  • Qué autobuses van al centro?  =Which buses go to the centre of town?

Directions with Time Element... What Time ..?

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You may need to find out what time something is due to happen at or what time your bus, train or flight is scheduled to go. To do this, you can use ¿A qué hora…? (What time…?).

  • A qué hora embarcamos?  =What time are we boarding?

  • A qué hora empieza el metro?  =What time does the underground open?

  • A qué hora llegamos a Valencia?  =What time do we get to Valencia?

  • A qué hora sale el siguiente vuelo para Madrid?  =What time’s the next flight for Madrid?

  • A qué hora sale el primer tren de la mañana para Tarragona? =What time’s the first train in the morning to Tarragona?

Is There ..? Directions

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On your travels, you may also need to find out if something is available in a particular area. Just use the same Spanish word, ¿Hay…? to ask Is there…? and Are there…?.

  • Hay una gasolinera por aquí cerca?  =Is there a petrol station near here?

  • Hay una parada de metro por aquí?  =Is there an underground station near here?

  • Hay descuentos para estudiantes? =Is there a student discount?

  • Hay servicios en la estación de tren?  =Are there any toilets at the train station?

  • Hay tren directo hasta Barcelona?  =Is there a direct train to Barcelona?

Directions with How Much is ...?

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To ask how much something is, use ¿Cuánto cuesta…? or ¿Cuánto vale…? (How much is…?) with a singular noun and ¿Cuánto cuestan…? or ¿Cuánto valen…? (How much are…?) with a plural noun.

Cuánto vale el vuelo? How much is the flight?
Cuánto cuestan las tarjetas de diez viajes? How much are cards that are valid for ten journeys?
Cuánto costaría alquilar un coche dos días? How much would it cost to hire a car for two days?
Cuánto me cobraría por llevarme a Tarragona? How much would you charge to take me to Tarragona?

Directions starting with How Long ..?

Cuánto se tarda en llegar a Figueres? How long does it take to get to Figueres?
Sabe cuánto se tarda de León a Madrid? Do you know how long it takes from León to Madrid?
Cuánto tardaremos en llegar allí? How long will it take us to get there?
Cuánto dura el viaje? How long is the journey?

  • Cuánto cuesta un billete a Madrid?  =How much is a ticket to Madrid?

  • Cuánto cuesta dejar una maleta en consigna?  =How much does it cost to leave a case in left luggage?

Asking Directions starting How often..?

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When travelling, you’re very likely to want to ask about how often buses, trains and so on run. To do this you can use ¿Cada cuánto tiempo…? (How often…?) with a verb in the present tense.

Note: To find out if something’s available, whether you’re asking an assistant about car hire, timetables, or seating, you’ll need to use the question ¿Tienen…? (Do you have…?). It’s from the verb tener.

  • Cada cuánto tiempo pasa el autobús a Sitges?  =How often does the bus to Sitges run?

  • Cada cuánto tiempo hay vuelos a Londres? =How often is there a flight to London?

  • Cada cuánto tiempo sale un tren para Vilafranca? =How often is there a train to Vilafranca?

  • Tienen monovolúmenes de alquiler? =Do you have people carriers for hire?

  • Tienen coches más pequeños?  =Do you have any smaller cars?

  • Tienen horarios de trenes? =Do you have train timetables?

  • Le quedan asientos de pasillo? =Have you got any aisle seats left?

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